John Wick Chapter 4 is an upcoming action movie that continues the story of the legendary hitman John Wick, played by Keanu Reeves. The previous movie in the franchise saw John Wick declared "excommunicado" by the High Table, the governing body of the assassin world, for killing a member on Continental grounds. In Chapter 4, John Wick is on the run from countless assassins who have been hired to kill him as he tries to find a way to get back into the good graces of the High Table and clear his name.
Along the way, John Wick encounters new allies and enemies, including a powerful woman named the Adjudicator of the High Table, who is responsible for enforcing its rules. The movie promises to have intense and thrilling action sequences as John Wick battles his way through a world filled with danger and betrayal. With the help of his skills, determination, and resourcefulness, John Wick will stop at nothing to redeem himself and survive the deadly threats that await him.