According to recent reports , the latest release of Telugu actor Nani's movie, 'Dasara,' has received an overwhelming response at the box office. The film has turned out to be Nani's superhit opening movie, contrary to initial expectations.The movie's release during the festive season of Dasara has proved to be a smart move, attracting more audiences to the theaters. The positive word of mouth from the audience and critics alike has propelled the movie's success, making it a blockbuster hit.Nani's impeccable acting skills and fan following have undoubtedly played a significant role in the film's success. The movie's success is a testament to the actor's ability to choose diverse and engaging roles and his willingness to experiment with different genres.Overall, the blockbuster success of 'Dasara' is a reminder that exceptional content and effective marketing strategies can create wonders at the box office, and Nani has indeed delivered both with this film.