Bollywood Actor Boby Deol Villain in Kanguva: The first glimpse of Superstar Suriya and Disha Patni starrer 'Kanguva' has been Announced to Fanbaseb is praising Surya's look. This is a period drama film. In this Pan India Movie , the character of Villain is going to be played by a famous Bollywood actor. The name of this Bollywood actor playing the role of villain/ danger man is Bobby Deol.
Hanumangarh , Rajasthan.
Suriya Kanguva Glimpse: The teaser of South Superstar Surya's upcoming period action film 'Kanguva' was released on his birthday. In the teaser, Suriya is shown as a dangerous Fighter. He is seen motivating the army for a war. In the teaser, he has big hair and Suriya in look is like a soldier boy . The teaser shows a dark night background, the bodies of many masses killed in the war, an eagle, a horse, a masked warrior and then a huge army. Fans liked Kanguva's teaser and Surya's look.
Image credit - Hindustan timesMeanwhile ,the audiences are excited about the villain of this film. The lead hero-heroine in the film has already been revealed. There is a stir among the fans about the actor playing the role of villain. According to the report of a Telugu news report, Bollywood famous actor Bobby Deol is going to be seen in the role of Villain in the film. Bobby's presence in the film will help make it Pan India.